Saturday, June 10, 2006


This is from the newsletters of the Holy Spirit adoration sisters.
It is a universal truth: to be human is to hunger for riches. That is the way we were made, with a built-in lack and a deep-deated need for the riches that are meant to supply our innate poverty. It is as if God, when He created us, placed an endless empty space in our hearts that cries out for satisfaction and fulfillment. The kind of riches we live and die for depends on the degree of our perceptiveness. Or we could also call it grace. For it is grace that makes the difference between a person who slaves day and night for the riches the world has to offer, and another who is forever restless for the treasures of the spirit. It takes grace, because the richest that come from God, like deep faith, wisdom of heart, peace of soul and the delights of divine intimacy, in other words the very possesion of God Himself- which is the real purpose of all His other gifts-is treasure of adifferent order altogether from those that pertainprimarily to our senses, such as large bank deposits, elegant jewelries, luxurious mansions, expensive clothes and the latest car models. Inner riches refer to the treasures that adorn our spirit once we are in close union with the Holy Triune God. The greater our union with the Three Divine Persons, the richer our inmost spirit becomes. And there is no limit to this spiritual wealth because God is limitless. Ever new wonders, ever fresh discoveries of the infinite riches of His glory and power and love will mark our life in time and throughout eternity.

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