Let us begin by reading this :
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
"Dear Joseph, chaste spouse of Mary and heir
to the royal line of David, Patron of the Universal
Church, I address you today under your title of
Terror of Demons. One look from your calm gaze
strikes fear into any evil with designs upon my
life and my family. In order to imitate you in your
protection and provision for Mary and Jesus, I
ask you to adopt me, too, as you adopted Jesus.
Yes, bring me under your roof and share with me
your kingly confidence. See that my heart is good,
despite my sins, as your heart is good. In all things,
and in every thing, and in everything beyond every
thing, and as a man before another man, I ask for
your friendship and guidance for my intention.
Ask the Holy Trinity to grant my miracle, using
whatever supernatural and human means are
required. Make my virtue and holiness so like
yours that when women see me, they see you.
Let women feel you, hear you, and pray with you
when they feel, hear, and pray with me. Teach me,
as you taught Jesus, to learn that I must die to
every impurity, every selfish desire, and every
act of self-indulgence that harms the women
in my life. Let me die, and let Joseph live! Let
your powerful Heart of David triumph in my
life as husband and father beyond my wildest
dreams. Not only do I say Yes with you, I so so
with the full confidence of a man who has
been baptized into your holy family. Do not
delay. Now is the time for action. You, Joseph,
surely taught your son to pray the Our Father,
so with you, I pray to the Almighty Father: THY
will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Amen."